Join Us and Make the Future Brighter
Kids are curious, lovable, and hilarious. They are also wild, impatient, and vulnerable. Kiwanis is looking out for kids in every corner of the globe with more than 550,000 volunteers who serve their communities through local clubs. The Woodlands Kiwanis Club members are doing their part by helping the children of Montgomery County.

Kiwanis Activities
Ready to help children in Montgomery County? Kiwanis is ready for you! Altogether, more than 7,000 Kiwanis clubs make Kiwanians a powerful force for serving children and changing lives. Each club is an independent entity with its traditions and priorities.
Kids at Heart
Kids at Heart
Ready to Help Children in Montgomery County? Kiwanis is Ready for You!
Be a Powerful Force for Serving Children
Why Choose Kiwanis
Member Weekly Meetings
As a worldwide organization of many faiths, we believe in the power of prayer and the positive impact of community involvement.
We are looking out for the kids in every corner of our county! Get the news on our latest projects. Also, explore the Kiwanis International Magazine. Kiwanis Magazine features stories about our global family of clubs serving children worldwide and in their communities.