Honoring Tom Evans
Member Weekly Meetings
As a worldwide organization of many faiths, we believe in the power of prayer and the positive impact of community involvement.
Tom wholeheartedly supports the Kiwanis’ mission of ‘improving the world, one child at a time.’
Create a Team Building Activity by Supporting Children in Crisis
Companies can support a team-building activity by purchasing 150 Kiwanis Bears and giving them to a nonprofit of their choice or one of our many partnering non-profits.
Your purchase of 150 bears allows you to imprint your logo with our Kiwanis logo. This 12 in. bear features an embroidered heart on both palms, and it comes with a large t-shirt. The dedication card reminds a child in crisis that Buddy Bear is their long-lasting friend.
Teach Children the Importance of Gratitude and Servant Leadership
Instilling gratitude in children goes beyond teaching them to say “thank you.” Teaching them gratitude is about teaching them to appreciate everything they have and teaching them to show generosity and empathy to others.
As a family, you have the opportunity to be a part of teaching children how to help other children who are in crisis. The Tom Evans’
“Hey, Buddy! Bear” Program is designed to give a friend to needy children. Sponsor bears bring your children to a designated nonprofit partner to provide these bears. Use this time as a teaching lesson.
What People Are Saying

“It has been an honor and privilege serving the children of Montgomery County. Through High School Key Clubs or our “Hey Buddy!” Bear Program, helping kids grow and succeed, is at the heart of everything we do.”
Denis Gagnon

Ready to help children and families in our community? Ready to change the world? Kiwanis is ready for you! Altogether, more than 7,000 clubs make Kiwanis a powerful force for serving children and improving lives.
Kathleen Buckland

Special Olympics found in 1968 with the primary goal of accepting and welcoming individuals as they are. Our club continues the tradition of bringing the brightest athletes together to champion their success!