It’s all about Thrill, High Speeds
and Top Level Risk
Serving the Children & Families of Montgomery County
Kids need Kiwanis
Kids need Kiwanis
Our Mission and Impact
Kiwanis helps kids around the world. Local clubs look out for our communities, and the international organization takes on large-scale challenges. Whether rolling up our sleeves or opening our wallets, Kiwanians make transformative changes in communities worldwide.
On average, members of the Kiwanis family host approximately 150,000 service projects and complete more than 19 million service hours a year. Every year, our clubs raise more than US$100 million to support community causes and fund the Kiwanis Children’s Fund.

Our Values and History
We are passionate about making a difference. Helping kids grow and succeed is at the heart of everything we do. But how we do, it is just as important. We believe our neighborhoods and world are best served when people of all ages and backgrounds work together to share their time and talents. Kiwanians have a smile so big, you could say it stretches more than a hundred years.
Board of Directors
What People Are Saying

“It has been an honor and privilege serving the children of Montgomery County. Through High School Key Clubs or our “Hey Buddy!” Bear Program, helping kids grow and succeed, is at the heart of everything we do.”
Denis Gagnon

Ready to help children and families in our community? Ready to change the world? Kiwanis is ready for you! Altogether, more than 7,000 clubs make Kiwanis a powerful force for serving children and improving lives.
Kathleen Buckland

Special Olympics found in 1968 with the primary goal of accepting and welcoming individuals as they are. Our club continues the tradition of bringing the brightest athletes together to champion their success!